Practice Driving Time Again

Hubby Leif and I had the chance to go out last Saturday when we felt it was warmer than usual. The sun finally started shining and showing like it missed the earth. And what we first thought of doing was to begin practice driving again. It was actually my idea since I didn’t get to practive drive in the winter. I don’t mind how long I have to practice as long as I get acquainted with the rules of the road, especially the signs and road orientation. Darn, hubby’s not satisfied with my performance. He said I was uncertain as usual. But what the heck, I’ll be in the long run.

Hubby made his beef stew when we got home after practice driving. It got me pissed off a bit cos it took about four hours to get it done. Imagine preparing a dish at half past four and finishing it at past 8pm. We had to dine late when I used to have everything done as early as 7pm on a weekend so that we could sit and relax and have our dessert while watching some films. Hmmp! Otherwise it was a bright and sunny weekend.

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